Eco Committee
The Eco Committee have had a busy and successful end to the school year. As you know we were awarded the Eco Schools Green Flag Award at the start of the Summer Term, which we are very proud of. We have been continuing to work on our 3 Environmental Topics for this academic year which are Waste, Biodiversity and Litter.
Following the success of the T-Shirt Swap Shop to help reduce clothing waste during Cut Your Carbon week the children were eager to hold a Book Swap Shop so that any unwanted books could be reused and read again! This was really popular and another big success, thank you for your support!
The Eco Committee have also been emptying our soft plastic recycling bin in the school hall and since we started this initiative in April we have collected a bin liner full of soft plastic each week to be recycled, so that's 13 bags in total this term!
Thank you to everyone who has got involved with the Big Battery Hunt! Batteries can be really harmful to the environment if they are placed in our everyday bins as they end up in landfill and leak nasty chemicals into the soil. As a school Chilcote have collected over 2000 batteries to be recycled since we relaunched this initiative during Earth Week back in April, so that's 2000 less batteries going into our environment, well done everyone!
It was great to get out in the community on 2 occasions during the Summer Term to do a litter pick. It was fantastic to see how enthusiastic the children were about keeping their local area clean and tidy. We were really excited to receive an email from a member of Friends of Trittiford Park Community Group, who spotted Chilcote School out litter picking in the community and were very appreciative of our efforts.
Thank you to everyone for all your support with our Eco projects this year and a huge congratulations to the Chilcote Eco Committee for all your hard work, enthusiasm and commitment.Our Current Eco Committee members in post are:
Year 1: Jaudaan, Lucas
Year 2: Hannah, Lottie
Year 3: Idris, Musa
Year 4: Sofia, Annah
Year 5: Jehan, Aydin
Year 6: Luiza, Eshael